Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#100 Remote Files not showing under XP kirri

Under Windows XP, after appearing to connect successfully, there seems to be a problem on the initial LIST command, and the remote file list does not show the files on the server.

#101 Hidden files not displayed or deleted samj

Hidden file(s) like .DS_Store are not displayed or deleted by recursive deletes. As such it appears that the directory is not able to be deleted even though the permissions are correct. Even if hidden files are hidden in the gui, recursive deletes should delete them, although I haven't seen any option to hide files.

#102 2 GB limit on file size ? Tim Kosse anonymous

Hi folks,

I have been using Filezilla for somme weeks now (version 1.8.1, on W2K) and there seem to be a file limit at 2 GB for the files that we can transfer or even catalog. Since recognizing this, I have tried other FTP client: leechFTP, WS-FTP LE, Smart FTP, even the DOS FTP client of Win2K seem to have the same bug, whereas Windows commander succeeded to the transfer, only restarting the counter at 0 every 2 GB, but at the end I had my 11 GB backup.bkf file transferred correctly. I have looked at the release notes for version 1.9 and 1.9.2 and searched with the keywords limit and GB but did not find anything on that.

Sincerely yours,


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