Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8509 invalid "route -f" from command-line kill localhost and admin console can't connect after that Philipp

Just play with my routes, and randomly type this command in command-line: route -f

So, after that Admin console can't connect to server, course suppose server can't bind address for admin port :)

Just for info, not a bug or feature request ..

I only need to reboot after that course don't know how to restore interface ..

Thanks a lot for a good FTP-server i use it about on 10 servers ..

#3991 duplicate "synchronization" of folders dsk


RemoteListView -> OnContextMenu There "Sync Folder"

This function will download everything from the remote folder to local, and check remote folder every several minutes if there are any new files.

"Sync Folder" -> OnClick -> DialogBox with settings like

  • check every N minutes
  • delete remote files after downloading

It would probably have to create some database file in local folder to keep track of files already downloaded, so this way they can be moved from the local folder anytime.

I hope you understand what I mean, Such feature doesn't exist in any ftp client that I've checked

Thank you very much !

#1689 # files to transfer: give range rkcarter


When you set the number of connections, the legal value is apparently 1-10. However, you can enter up to 99 in the field. Entering 11 or more silently drops it back to 2, but exits the menu.

Could you perhaps make a list button of 1 to 10, or stop and complain if someone enters 11 or greater (or just allow more threads? Though I don't know if more, especially not 99, makes sense).

Thanks for this awesome piece of software I discovered two days ago!

  • Rick
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