Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3820 fixed Fails to get update file Kral

Filezilla indicates that there is an update and I click through to get it. It gets the description and then fails to download the update file. It does create the file but it is of zero length. The program then fails to be responsive requiring forced termination.

This has happened for several versions.

Today I tried the update but with the file of zero length present and it did d/l the update file.

#3821 fixed download speed limit causes connection timeouts Chi-Yu

Since version 3.1.3, setting a download speedlimit of 100 KB/s causes endless connection timeouts.

As soon as I remove the limit, I get no timeouts at all.

#3824 fixed feature request: .lnk files navigable/local_folder bookmarks for localhost jagginess

I was thinking maybe some enhancements in the navigation/bookmarks can be implemented for filezilla since I have a variety ftp sites/local_folders to maintain... If implementing bookmarks is too difficult and time consuming (been using filezilla for quite some time now) I'm hoping that asking for implementing filezilla to jump to folders indicated by .lnk files may be a slight hint of consideration for the average user? I think this is definitely something that many folks would be looking for in an ftp client.. hoping it isnt too hard to implement.. Thanks for any feedback..

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