Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#780 Change password does not work in 2.2.9 Alexander Schuch twosocks

If I try to change password with server\change password reports that odl password is not correct. If I try chmod works fine. This is because Filezilla adds quote on begining and end of paasword phrase. Exp. chmod passold passnew - this is right, but filezilla sends to server chmod "passold" "passnew" - wrong. You have to sent without quotes. Then works.

#781 leading blank in filename causes critical transfer error Alexander Schuch hangrun89

when you have a leading blank in a filename, filezilla cannot download ist (i made this experience with files in a very long path) - i have the latest version 2.2.9

work around: manual editing of source filename in queue xml file solves the problem

#782 Site Manager cannot use empty password in Filezilla 2.2.9 Alexander Schuch bugmenot

In Site Manager, if you specify an ftp site and use 'Normal' Logontype and presses the 'Connect' button, the 'Enter your password' dialog box must use non-null (non-empty) password string, otherwise the 'OK' button will be greyed out and cannot complete the login process.

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