Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5078 rejected use explorer right menus instead of filezilla ones incognito

I don't see the point in reinventing the wheel. If you used explorer right click menus your users would have more functionality and it'd be easier to manipulate files. You could easily add a button or two for the upload/queue functions currently in the right click menu.

#2345 use existing SSL cert doslager

I would like to request the ability to use an existing cert generated by IIS. I have purchased an SSL cert for my web page, and would like to use it with FileZilla server as well. Currently FileZilla generates it's own cert and works great, but i would like to be able to use a cert that will not prompt the users.


#2947 use RESTart-4096 technic in case of uncomplete transmissions anfisoft

FileZilla supports APPEND to complete a broken upload. In my case this faild on several tests. I will suggest the technique other FTP-Clients use:

In the Upload-Case:

1) Read the Size of the File On Server 2) Use the Restart Command with "Size-4096" Bytes (this is because Servers/Filesystems may preallocate Space for uploaded files and the content of the end of this files may undefined) 3) Upload at the given position


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