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Results (94 - 96 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12824 fixed 1.6.0-rc1 error message at admin interface startup tm8544

<Date> Info [Type] Message <30-11-2022 16:00:42> Admin UI [Error] The server appears to be behind a NAT router. Please configure the passive mode settings and forward a range of ports in your router.

The message above should not be [Error], it should be [Info] or [Notice].

#12821 worksforme Error loading queue message wattworks

At the start and close of FileZilla I receive a dialogue box (attactehd) that displays an error loading queue.

I always keep the most up to date version of FileZilla running, and this pop-up is a real pain in the ass.

Nothing serious, but would be great if you caould have a look.

#12819 rejected Filezilla crashes with all the display server if started on a different workspace digitalone

Hello everyone. No issues with filezilla regularly but whenever I start it in a different workspace on Gnome it crashes along with the display server. I'm forced to restart the user session because of this.

When I start it in the current workspace and the I move it on another one, there's nothing wrong. But the issue is always reproducible when I start in on a workspace different than the current one.

It's happening in Wayland, don't know if it's reproducible in X11. Anyway, to reproduce on Wayland go on the activity view (I have Filezilla on the dock), drag Filezilla from the dock to a different workspace (i.e. I'm on ws2 and I drag it on ws3): everything crashes.

This kind of issue only happens with Filezilla, I usually start other applications dragging them on different workspaces. Since it's happening only with Filezilla, I think it's something wrong with Filezilla rather than Gnome itself.

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