Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#145 Speed Limit anonymous

on my LAN, i can't upload more than 30Ko/s... but, with another ftp client such as LeechFTP, no problem, i can upload at 1Mo/s....

#146 Too many retries anonymous

When connecting, and uploading a lot of times the same file (while it is changed all the time) itsays after some time: Timeout detected. Upload Failed. In the queue it says: Too many retries...

shouldn't I be able to upload the file as many times as I want?

#147 Don't store host names in registry! anonymous


I'm using PGP-disk and I store all data in files on this disk.

All sensitive information in registry can be easy taken!

Best regards, Joe.

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