Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2978 fixed Add option to sort files with natural/numerical order algorithm + select collation dergrinch

It would be nice if you add an option to sort the folder and files with the natural order algorithm. So sort e.g. 1, 2, .., 8, 9, 10, 11 instead of 1, 10, 11, 2, [...], 8, 9.

#2989 fixed Create new file on server Luc heatherw_01

It would be nice to be able to create a file on the server that you are connected to, instead of having to create the file locally and upload

#2993 fixed Remote directory not wipped on disconnect matt_rohland

If you connect to a sever and sit there long enough it will disconnect you and your remote directory will go blank. (You can of course reconnect to bring back the same directory... but you have to wait will it reconnects)

It would be far more user friendly to not wipe the remote window on auto disconnects. That way you still have the remote directory in front of you for reference and the second you try to perform an action... like opening a new folder (that isn't cached) or view/editing a file it would reconnect to perform the task.

Other FTP programs work this way and it creates the illusion of never being disconnected and doesn't interfere with workflow quite as much.

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