Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#76 Filezilla fraggs when... Tim Kosse anonymous

you right-click in the left window and select "properties". I found out that this happens with W2K SP2 but not with 98SE...

#77 Changing to dir with LIST protect fails mknudstrup

I am using FileZilla 1.81 Final.

The problem I have is that when I try to change into a directory that does not allow showing the contents of the directory, FileZilla sees this as an error and will not change into the directory.

The log shows:

Command: CWD inbox Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/private/supportcss/inbox" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,1,4,11,195 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 550 .: Access is denied. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#78 Window Layout/Menu Width exoduscdn


The problem I've been having is that I don't find that FileZilla remembers any of my menu positions or window positions. I am running Win2K and have tried versions 1.6 all the way through 1.8.1.

I'm assuming this is a bug. (You should set up Forums so that users could discuss problems and help each other... Just an idea. :p)

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