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Results (76 - 78 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#133 Local directory tree goes beyond C: anonymous

When browsing the local tree, when one arrives at the root directory (C:\) there is still a folder in the interface for going to the "parent" directory of C:\. When clicked upon, it goes to "\", showing the drive letters as part of the directory listing. However, trying to access any drive letter is impossible since it goes to "\<drive>\", which doesn't exist. (for example, C:\, the parent is \, and going to c: again leads to \c:\. The workaround for now would be to type in the drive letter at the "local site".

#134 SSL uploading always takes 100% CPU time anonymous

FileZilla always takes 100% of my CPU time when uploading over an explicit SSL connection. This even happens when uploading with 16kb/s but I can also upload with 1000kb/s which means that this is not a too- slow-CPU problem. I tried different ciphers, it happens with all of them (168 and 128 bit). Downloading only takes < 10% cpu time.

FlashFXP - which obviously uses the same SSL libraries - only takes 0 to 2% CPU time when uploading.

#135 How to build filezilla source? huanghq

VC 6 hint missing 'dbghelp.h' file, can anyone get some suggestion, Thanks.

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