Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5409 rejected Warning message on exiting application, though no file is open Arthur Gardner

I use FileZilla client 3.3.3.

I connect to a server, then use View/Edit to browse a server file, then close my editor. (I am using UltraEdit-32.)

If I then quit FileZilla, I get this message:

Some files are being edited, or need to be uploaded. If you close FileZilla, your changes will be lost.

#10675 rejected So My name is Arthur and I accedentally changed the word press url, cause I was alittle spooked that the both my site url and my wordpress url, so I had validating in WC3 validator ArthurRLee ArthurRLee

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?> <FileZilla3>



<Host></Host> <Port>21098</Port> <Protocol>sftp</Protocol> <Type>2</Type> <User>dreaqkjc</User> <Logontype>2</Logontype> <TimezoneOffset>0</TimezoneOffset> <PasvMode>MODE_DEFAULT</PasvMode> <MaximumMultipleConnections>0</MaximumMultipleConnections> <EncodingType>Auto</EncodingType> <BypassProxy>0</BypassProxy>

. <Name></Name>

<Comments/> <LocalDir/>





So My name is Arthur and I accedentally changed the word press url, cause I was alittle spooked that the both my site url and my wordpress url, so I had validating in WC3 validator and it show that I needed to get and 404 error and...come to find out that needed to get rid of the redirect, in the config_wp.php also revealed great reviews.code writer.

Please help me access my website. I took the liberty of removing the the redirect located in this post, as well as a line maker.

#8753 invalid ISO8859-1 charset conversions(specifically Norwegian chars) isn't working Arvind.m

Using FileZilla in WinXP(SP3). I'm connecting to site (MVS z/OS) to retrieve a file. This file contains Norwegian characters (Ö,Ü & Ä) being converted to junk values after FTP with FileZilla Client. In DOS scripts, its not changed due to "Quote site SBDATACONN=(IBM277,ISO8859-1)" command. I've tried similar charsets(ISO8859-1,CP1250, windows-1250 etc) in FileZilla but it still fails. Please investigate.

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