Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2816 view/edit multiple files gc_pieter

it would be nice to be able to select multiple files for editing, so they can be opened as tabs in an editor which is able to do so (eg notepad++)

#2682 view/edit file functionality gisgeek

Past versions had a view/edit function in the FTP window when you right clicked on the file (MIME). The exectuted the associated program on the client computer which then could be edited. That was a huge benefit to the program please put it back in.

#10715 worksforme veränderte docs werden nicht unter "zuletzt geändert" übernommen. Friedrich Horak

Um "zuletzt geändert" docs zu aktualisieren, muss ich filezilla jedesmal neu laden. Es sollte automatisch veränderte Dokumente übernehmen

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