Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2716 fixed Minimize to tray + speed info savinog666

Hi, i've unistalled filezilla client 2.32 and installed the version 3.0 some days ago and everything is really ok..

But there is a mistake in the new one..there isn't the button "minimize to system tray" near the other button in the high corner right!..It was really useful! Is possible put it again on the bar?

Another question.. Is possible add the total download/upload speed transfer in the window that appear on the icon that will be in the system tray? (look the attached file).

Thanks a lot. Savino

#2773 fixed limit max. connections per IP tseeger

Hello, it would be nice to have the possibiliy to limit the max. Number of connections per IP instead of limiting the max. nr of total connections. By limiting the total connections a guy trying to hack your server can block the server for all other users!

Besides this, great program!

#2804 fixed SSH Keys Authentication ( without password ) pierrero


Some FTP servers run with SSH. Mine authentificate users with SSH public and private keys.

X.509 certificate can be used with SFTP in filezilla but RSA DSA with SSH would be a wonderful functionality :)

Thanks for all !


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