Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11096 fixed When "Messagelog position" is 2, Filezilla does not start Annorax

I am running Windows 7 Professional and Filezilla 3.23.0 64 bit. This issue was not present in

When I upgraded versions as mentioned above, I was unable to start Filezilla. The process would not launch yet I could see it in Windows Task Manager taking about 13% CPU. I waited about 10 minutes but nothing happened so I killed the process.

After playing with filezilla.xml, I noticed that this only happens when "Messagelog position" is set to 2 - set to 0 or 1 is fine.

#9967 duplicate Drag tabs around Anonym

It would be useful if you could move open tabs around (like in Google Chrome etc)

#7292 duplicate "Create file" option in addition to "Create directory" option Anonymous

Please add the option to "Create file," which would insert a blank file on the remote server for editing, which would be more convenient than having to leave FileZilla, create a blank file on the local machine, go back to FileZilla, refresh the local pane, upload the blank file, then delete the local copy of the blank file.

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