Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11508 invalid Filezilla cannot connect to the server zaid


I am trying to connect my website to FTP server but cannot do so. My website is hosted on the wordpress hosting I want to access my .httaccess file and other directories so initially I was receiving a message of 'time out' so I changed the time limit but I am receiving this Status: Connection attempt failed with "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out".

It would be great if you can help. Thanks in advance!

#11631 worksforme Logging only creates 3 files and deletes the rest Gareth Lodge

regardless of what i set the log limit to it deletes all but the last three. Only started doing this last week and i upgraded to the latest version weeks ago. Going to set to do not delete and see if it makes a difference

#7812 worksforme FileZilla crash when Windows Homegroup device disconnected Zack Gold

Filezilla crashes when I access my laptop from FileZilla, then disconnect the laptop from my Homegroup and try to navigate away from the laptop directory.

Steps to reproduce the crash:

  1. Connect a device to your homegroup
  2. Access the device on FileZilla (Local site) by going to
  3. Disconnect the same device you access
  4. Attempt to navigate away from the device
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