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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4 Wrong word in Options Tim Kosse anonymous

My version of FileZilla ( V. 1.0 final)has a word wrong in the options menu, (under Settings) click on settings and look at the buttons on the bottom. (OK) and (cancel) The word Cancel appears to be in German instead of English. Thanks Every thing else is GREAT!!


#5 Assert during resize. Tim Kosse anonymous

Just bringing this to your attention. In the debug build of FileZilla 1.1 I get an assert during the resize of the application. This occurs when the ftp view pane has the focus. The assert comes in a call to GetActivePane. It's not a big deal because it doesn't really break anything, and is ignored in the release build, but I thought I would bring it to your attention if you didn't already know.

#6 Ciekawostki ze świata Tim Kosse donky

If I have for instance, 9 large 250 meg files in the queue, the last cell in the status bar has a negative number for the total filesize of all the files in the queue.

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