Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3676 Typos in English version zandor_zz

I'm revising the Italian translation. And I forwarded my revised file to the Italian translator. By the way, I found typos along the following entries in the English form:

  • "If you sucessfully complete the wizard and the final test succeeds, any firewalls and routers you have should be configured properly." -> successfully
  • "Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultanously" -> simultaneously
  • "If using timestamp based comparison, consider two files equal if their timestamp differerence does not exceed this threshold." -> difference
  • "Malformed reply, server not sending proper lineendings" -> line endings
  • "Server does not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since filesizes match." -> file sizes
  • "Updatecheck failed" -> Updates check
  • "Waiting for transfer to be canceled" -> cancelled
  • "Wrong lineendings" -> line endings
  • "You likely have a router or firewall which errorneously modified the transferred data." -> erroneously
#32 Plain Text Password zalith

Version 1.6

This is not really a bug but could be a security issue. When I extract a download queue it is put into a text file to reconnect again. The password is placed in the file as a plain text. A simple encoding algorithm could be use so it is not so easy to get someones password.

#1546 Windows Resizing Tim Kosse zalith

It would be nice if you could resize the window smaller that it is now (v1.5a). It take about 75% of the screen and this can get very annoying, particularly when multiply windows are running.

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