Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (526 - 528 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2221 Allow time zone specification mamandel

I normally use the option "overwrite if newer". When I connect to a server in a different time zone, that server uses its local time as the date of the file. FileZilla compares that timestamp with the timestamp on my machine and often makes a wrong decision about which file is newer. If I could associate a time zone with each site I would be able to trust the overwrite option without having to remember what time zone a site is in.

A "time zone differential" setting for each site would also be useful, but only so long as I was using FileZilla from my home or office, not while I am traveling and using my laptop.

If FileZilla already has such an option, it is well hidden and not indexed in the help file.

#11365 rejected Allow to point to path using a system environment souza.luizdiego

Allow when connecting to linux to list files using the system environment variable path

#2118 duplicate Allow to switch off or hide local view anonymous

It would be a nice improvement if one could switch off local view so that only remote view remains visible.

This is quite useful when using drag and drop with Windows Explorer to upload and download files or when just organizing files on the server.

Then, the local view is unnecessary and it would be nice if it would be possible to switch it off (including local tree view, of course).

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