Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (526 - 528 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#528 Append/Restart not permitted (error) anonymous

Resume bug when uploading files I have latest version 2.2.2 of FileZilla. When the upload breaks and I then resume it, it doesn't work. Instead of that I get this error message: Append/Restart not permitted, try again. Upload fails over and over again. I need to delete original file.

It seems that this error was corrected fot ASCII transfered files but it still doesn't work for BINARY tranfer.

I need to mention that I have set file tranfer mode to overwrite but the File Zilla still uses APPE command and I am getting terribly tired from this error. I'd be happy to have it fixed soon, since it is the problem I have since I started to use File Zilla a year ago and none of later version didn't deal with this little but very annoying bug. Otherwise it is excellent program.

#529 Recommend to add: overwrite if files different anonymous

I think it would be fine to have 'File overwrite setting' option to overwrite only files that are different. Current choise 'overwrite' and 'overwrite if newer' is good but this one would improve the program I guess.

#530 problems when changing local time on Windows anonymous

Changing local time on the Windows machine while transfering files, time spent and speed are incorrect. For example, when going back in time, time spent and speed displayed are negative.

A timer should be used instead of "gettimeofday()- transfer_start_time" ;o)

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