Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (523 - 525 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2117 Allow local filesystem to be another ftp server eperry

I would love to see if the "Local filesystem" on the left hand side could be another ftp server. This way I would be able to transer files from one ftp server to another ftp server without having to down load and then re upload the files.

I believe that this can be accomplished in non-passive sessions.

Filezilla would connect to server a, and server b.

Issue the transfer command to server a but specify server b IP, then issue server b to port command to accept server a's request.

I do not know if this is too complicated and if it is only available to ftp. At minimum it would be nice to connect to two ftp servers and have filezilla maintain "tempory" files while the transfer is happening.

#3978 duplicate Allow setting download/upload speed limits for a connection Tom Harris

allow an additional over-riding setting in the connection properties which would determine the max upload / download speed for that connection, instead of having to change the global setting dependant on which connection I am using. This is to limit the effect of my download on a server which has multiple uses, but not on any of the other servers I connect to.

#2891 wontfix Allow the server to automatically start in a disabled state petr_kucera

I have the FileZilla Server installed as service on a server that only I have access to. It is set to offline most of the time and only switched online for a specific download task (security reasons).

Several people have access to the Server Interface to be able to switch it online temporarily. It would be ideal if it were possible to set the FTP Server offline at startup of the service, now I have to do this manually (and remember it in particular) after a reboot of the server. Setting the service to start manually wouldn´t help me since I´m the only one with access to the service and the other users rely on the FilZilla Server service to provide them access to the Server Interface.

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