Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (520 - 522 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#522 drag n drop to other directories in remote view mattijurvanen

Will it ever be possible to drag n drop files and directories to other directories on the remove view (and why not on the local view also)?

I've tried version 2.2.2 where these don't work (as well as dragging to other programs like Windows Exporer which would also be nice)

#523 Problem with inheriting permissions from groups faldore

When you set a group to be able to resolve shortcuts, then you create users for that group, the users don't in fact have that ability, where if you create them with no group and set that permission then they do have that capability.

#524 rejected date parsing on LIST command anonymous

When the LIST command is responded to by an FTP server (as the result of getting the list of files in a directory), certian date formats are not parsed correctly:


-rw-rw-rw- 1 noone nogroup 142 jun 01 1999


is parsed correctly, but

-rw-rw-rw- 1 noone nogroup 142 01-jun-99 abort.txt

is not parsed correctly.

The end result is the file name is listed in the GUI as:

"-rw-rw-rw- 1 noone nogroup 142 01-jun-99


which make file tranfer impossible.

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