Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (502 - 504 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#504 Remote rename existing filename: dup. filenames but replaced Scott M. Sanders

When I rename a file in a remote FTP folder using a filename that already exists there, the remote directory listing (without refreshing) will then show two files with the same filename (see screenshot #1).

If I then delete one of the listed files (and don't refresh the remote directory listing), a blank file will appear at the top of the remote directory listing (before the parent folder link) that has only the Windows unknown file type icon, a random value in the filesize field, and "???" in the date field (see screenshot #2).

I attached a log.

This server doesn't send a 550 file exists error when I rename a remote file with an existing filename, but I think that FileZilla can be fixed slightly to accomodate this problem somehow.

#505 Remote Tree not updating anonymous

Using 2.2.1b

For the past several releases, I have been experiencing an odd problem. After dragging and dropping a file from the local to remote directory (and the file appears to STOR), the remote tree view does not update with the new file time/size, etc.

If I try refreshing from the menu, I get nothing different. If I close FZ, and then open and reconnect -- I will see the new file (if it was newer), or the older file (if older -- did it "fail" to upload?)

I tried two different ISPs; my current config v. the default config; Cache On v. Cache Off; Passive v. Active; Auto-Overwrite v. Prompt.

Does not exhibit behavior in WS_FTP lite.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

#506 FZserver - Missing Titles glenara

Missing a couple of lines of code to set the title of the Groups and Users dialog boxes.

CUsersDlg.cpp BOOL CUsersDlg::OnInitDialog() {

SetTitle("Users"); <<<


CGroupsDlg.cpp BOOL CGroupsDlg::OnInitDialog() {

SetTitle("Groups"); <<<


I realize this really isn't a bug but I hope it's useful.


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