Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (493 - 495 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#37 remote Files don't show on NT4 server Tim Kosse didiermisson

I try FileZilla 1.6. Seem very interesting.

It work well when I test it with "" I can see the directories and files on their site.

But when I try on our NT 4 server, the connection is OK, but I don't see the list of files and directories! I only see the ".." entry. No other elements !

If I try simply in a DOS box, with the FTP client of NT4, it work. I can see the list of files with the "ls" command.

I think the Telnet/FTP server on the NT4 server is Fictional Daemon v4.1 (

How can I solde this problem ? I will also go on the Fictional Daemon web site to see if this problem is know...

Thanks a lot Didier

#38 Confusing order in site manager Tim Kosse rglidden

It's a minor detail, but the fact that the login type is BELOW the fields where you type in your username and password in the site manager is slightly counter- intuitive. When adding a new entry to the site manager, you generally want to fill the information in the dialog from the top-down. If you want to use a non-anonymous login, you have to first go DOWN to where you can define login type, then back UP to type in your logon information.

It seems silly, but try doing it with the keyboard and no mouse. It makes the error even more evident.

#40 Incorrect year listed Tim Kosse coffeekid

The year on the remote site displays 2000 when the real date is 2001 after I change my system clock back a week or a month.

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