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Results (493 - 495 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#495 Server fails when using a browser. moueen

The server is set for a certain user name and password. Server version 0.87 (latest) Client version 2.2.1a (latest)

The Filezilla client is used to verify the proper function of the server. Inaddition, a different FTP client also worked fine.

When using Mozilla to login to the server, only the folders but not the files show up.

When using Opera, the directory change fails whether by clicking on "parent directory" or by going using the browser back button and clicking on a different forlder.

In Internet Explorer, It is possible to browse the directories, and to open images, but it is not possible to drag an image or file from the IE window to the desktop or other client folders.

The above findings were verified on two seperate Win2000 PC as servers and several client PC (Win98, WinNT, & Mac OSX)

#496 Server not loading Group permissions on startup anonymous

The server does not appear to load the Group permissions when first started, resulting in lots of 'permission denied' errors at the client end when trying to list files/folders. Resetting a single directory permission for each defined group and the server will then recognise group permissions again.

#497 2.2.1a Localsite / Filename listings links2learning

When using Filezilla from a network PC, I can use the Mapped drives to locate files on different servers from the Localsite pane. The files appear in the lower Filename listing pane and can be uploaded. * When I use '
Server4\stfcs\MyWork\MyWeb\' to connect to another server the files appear in the lower pane and upload Ok but the Localsite pane does not show the network places. I believe this is called UNC paths. == This UNC path notation works inside Site Manager, and the advanced browse option correctly place the correct code in the Default Local Directory for a ftp profile. == Please come back to me if you need some testing...

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