Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (490 - 492 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7449 duplicate Alarm sound when finished transferring the queue Valerio Santinelli

It would be very useful to hava an option to tell FileZilla that it should play a system sound when it finishes transferring its current queue.

#1782 Alert on connect anonymous

I frequently set a ftp connection going, minimise the client, and continue elsewhere. It also frequently happens that while connecting to a BUSY site (try Red Hat after a new release ;-) the connection is established... and timed out!

  1. An alert feature would be really helpful

Not necessarily sound, a flashing minimised icon

would be equally helpful.

PS - You are probably sick of hearing this, but this a GREAT ftp client! Thanks.

#11909 fixed Alias Not Working for Shared OneDrive Folder pitmancd

When I goto Users -> Shared Folders and try to create an alias to this OneDrive folder, it allows me to make the entry, but it does NOT work when connecting remotely to the server:

f:\OneDrive -

When connecting remotely to the shared folder, it will display the folder contents, but it won't allow a file transfer and fails. Filezilla Server reports this error:

550 Could not open file for reading.

But if I create the alias to this folder name, it will work:


So I believe Filezilla Server is having an issue with the hyphen or period in the folder name.

I would use the simpler folder name, however, OneDrive does not allow me to change the name of the folder as that belongs to the OneDrive account name, which in this case is "".

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