Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (490 - 492 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#492 Critical Transfer Error with Serv-U on Windows jcoe

I am experiencing a critical transfer error trying to contact a Serv-U FTP-Server on a Windows machine. A detailed log is attached. I am using FileZilla 2.2.1a. Version 2.1.5 does not appear to do this.

#493 Slow File Transfer compared to cmd line SFTP datallah

I'm experiencing transfers using FileZilla that are significantly slower than using command line SFTP.

If i transfer a 3 MB file from a machine on my local network using FZ (2.2.1a), the fastest speed that i can get is around 200 KB/s. Transferring the same file (on the same server and client) using command line SFTP i can get 1.6 MB/s.

It seems like something is not quite right here.

#494 Timeout during dir listing anonymous

When listing large dirs (20000 to 50000 files) under HPUX I get a timeout error: 'Befehl: LIST -a Antwort: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /usr/bin/ls. Fehler: Timeout entdeckt! Fehler: Dateiliste konnte nicht empfangen werden'

Where can I raise the timeout value?

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