Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (487 - 489 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8275 fixed German umlauts in proxy user password produce error Roman

Usage of german (öäü) umlauts in proxy user passwords produce an error in FileZilla. If the proxy user password contains such umlauts a "normal" could not connect message is shown.

If the proxy user password doesn't contain umlauts it works normally again.

FileZilla Version: 3.5.3

#8280 fixed remove ssize_t define in tlssocket.h Tommy Wu

ssize_t was re-defined in tlssocket.h it defined to long here, but it might be different type in different system...

#8295 fixed Crash after entering host containing forward slash JanRei

FileZilla crashes if the entered host contains a forward slash, even it is just the forward slash. This happens no matter whether I use the quickconnect bar, the site manager or the manual transfer dialog.

If the forward slash is part of the protocol prefix it does not crash, so works and crashes.

This happens reproducibly on my desktop computer with FileZilla 3.6.0-rc1. I could not reproduce the crash with FileZilla 3.5.3 or with FileZilla 3.6.0-beta1. My environment is Windows 7 SP1 (32bit) and Windows 8 (64bit) on Intel Pentium D.

However, I could not reproduce the issue on my laptop with Windows XP SP3 on Intel Core 2 Duo.

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