Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (487 - 489 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8720 outdated Dragging files from explorer corrupts them Joleron

When I drag an mp4 video file from windows explorer to the server side of filezilla, it appears to upload fine. However, when I play the file in the website (from the server), it will be corrupted in some parts, sections will skip, audio will cut out, or the image will be visually distorted.

I believe the problem is rooted as described above because:

  • If I refresh the page it always glitches in the exact same way at the exact same time.
  • Then, when I rename the file on my computer and upload it again the same way, then refresh the browser page with the new file linked, the glitch will be different.
  • I discovered that browsing to the file location from within Filezilla (not Windows Explorer) and dragging from filezilla local window to server appears to transfer okay.

This problem happens around 80% of the mp4 files I upload, regardless of how I render them. The files also play fine before uploading.


#5468 rejected Particular filename string gets renamed Jon

We have discovered that any file we upload using the filename "114400227 <any words here>" will be renamed to "11440022_ <any words here>". Uploading using our servers web based platform does not reproduce the error, but filezilla consistently renames this filename.

#4815 outdated FileZilla dead locks files when upload of a file isn't successful on first attempts JontyStephan

I am currently using 3G as my internet connection. Unfortunately it is not shaped and consistently fluctuates in speeds. This sometimes causes problems when I am uploading large files in size i.e. The client will try to upload a file from my computer to the server. Because of the file size, the upload attempt will fail. After a few tries the file will become dead locked, which in my opinion is the clients doing as it does not seem to release the file physically after an attempt has failed. It then displays a "critical error: file is in use" and it cannot upload the file after that. This actually happens quite often to me. To fix this I have to close the client and service in task manager. Please can you have a look into it.

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