Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (484 - 486 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9695 fixed After updating cant drag and drop files from fielzilla onto my desktop Cain Nuke


my issue is as the title says. I rebooted my computer and still wont work. I tried re-registering the shell extension and i get an unknown error saying it may incompatible. What can i do?

Thank you.

#11710 fixed After updating client to version 3.36.0 it routinely crashes retrieving directory listing from one site Pete Maclean

I routinely use FileZilla client with two FTP servers. Immediately after updating the client to version 3.36.0 it started routinely crashing while "Retrieving directory listing..." from one of these servers. With the other server, I see no problem.

#10054 rejected After updating to cannot update our busness website Mary

Updated to version and after updating I cannot update our business website because it says it not connect to the server. I had no problem updating our website with the previous version which I think was 3.10.0. I checked with the server and the server Tech support says the problem is with File Zilla and not with the server. This is urgent to get fixed as we have wrong information for customers on our website.

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