Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (484 - 486 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#490 "Connect to Default Site" will not prompt for a password anonymous

I have been very happy with your software for the better part of the last year. I have noticed a problem with your 2.2.X releases to date however. If i use the "Connect to Default Site" from the File Menu, it WILL NOT EVER prompt for a password. I am on a multi-user system, and i do not store my passwords locally so this is a problem for me. If i open the Site Manager, and double click the connection, then it prompts for a password. If you need further clarification on this issue, contact me @


Thanks for the great software!!!

#491 Dialog Windows and Dual Head Card mashmorgan

I use a doubleheaded video card and have 2 monitors ( the left windows being the Primary on Windows 2000)

When I have Filezilla in my right monitor, any of the dialogs popup eg site manager appear in the left monitor.

Not sure whether this is WIndows or filezilla or indeed Hydravision.

#492 Critical Transfer Error with Serv-U on Windows jcoe

I am experiencing a critical transfer error trying to contact a Serv-U FTP-Server on a Windows machine. A detailed log is attached. I am using FileZilla 2.2.1a. Version 2.1.5 does not appear to do this.

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