Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (484 - 486 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#554 Wrong path on network envirnment anonymous

Version 2.2.3, when you are downloading files using ssh2 from internet to local server with no drive letter assigned all the files are saved under c:\[server name] \[path]\ instead of
[server name]\[path]\.

#555 Client: Local file list tilde (~) sort bug Scott M. Sanders

Found in FileZilla client 2.2.3:

If there is a folder that begins with a tilde symbol (~) with other alphabetically-named folders,

  • it will appear at or near the top of the treeview, and
  • it will appear at or near the bottom of the file list.

I attached a screenshot showing an example in the local pane, though I first noticed it in the remote pane (so it happens in both).

#556 Queue goes back to the top when refreshing anonymous

If you scroll down in the queue list, whenever the queue refreshes (e.g.: when the current file is transferred) it scrolls back to the top of the list. This makes it very difficult to select items while processing the queue (for example, to delete part of the queue, specially multiple files)

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.