Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5081 duplicate Button to toggle bandwidth limits AllenJB

Due to various reasons, sometimes I want the bandwidth limits in place and sometimes I don't. It would be nice if I could toggle the bandwidth limits using a button on the toolbar.

#7473 rejected Symlinks don't show on client and Owner/Group show as uid Almorca

With Filezilla Client 3.5.0 there are a lot of information that don't show correcly. The symlinks don't show it, owner and group show the uid and permissions show strangely.

Server is ProFTPD 1.3.3d Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) with UNIX Type: L8.

The same ftp work fine with WinSCP.

#8716 fixed Server disconnects before right click operation is finished causes problems Always8bit

This probably doesn't happen very often to anyone, but when I right clicked a file to delete it, while the right click menu was still up, the server disconnected. When I chose to delete the file, it tried to send DELE (or whatever the command is) to the server that isn't connected anymore without trying to reconnect. This just made the DELE command hang until I had to cancel the operation manually.

It's a small bug but it probably is an easy fix.

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