Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4089 outdated win32 crash with speed limit enabled Yupin

downloading of ~300-500Mb (6 files) at speed limit = 25k caused to crash.

repeated twice (once in older version).

Both crashes come into being with speed limit enabled. If disabled worked for weeks without any problem :) Thanks.

#4070 duplicate win32 - download file with `:` or other invalid chars unexpected behavior Luke H

on win32 version, you cannot have any of these chars in the filename

\ / : * ? " < > |

when downloading a file with such a name, it should either

a) convert these automatically to _ char


b) give error to user and ask user to rename the file.

#1337 win1251 filenames doesn't display correctly splinty

Nothing can add. It doesn't support win1251 coding file names.

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