Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (472 - 474 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8132 fixed Please ban spamming user! bratkartoffel


the user g43tdshdshsdgs is constantly pushing spam tickets. Is there no way to ban this one?

Regards, Simon

#8141 fixed bag - Hebrew is shown reverse orel

Hebrew is shown reverse

Hebrew is the opposite of increases in the down line

See photo

#8142 fixed Timestamps for some files are off by 7-8 minutes TheEvilHammer

This issue has been discussed on the forums in several threads, but I don't think a formal bug report has ever been filed.

I don't think we know the exact cause or the exact repro steps, but sometimes Filezilla Server will report the wrong timestamp for files in the LIST reponse. The incorrect timestamp is always 7-8 minutes behind the real timestamp.

This thread in the forum has some more discussion and verification that others have hit this problem too:

This post in particular includes some specific timestamps that trigger the issue:

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