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Results (472 - 474 of 8170)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#541 Use multiple connections doesn't remember settings finexprint

It seems possible to change the "Use multiple connections" tab from the Queue menu _or_ the "Edit/Settings" menu.

When transferring one file from a queue with "Queue/Use Multiple Connections" disabled, go to to edit settings and "Use Multiple Connections" is still enabled.

Clicking "OK" causes "Queue/Use Multiple Connections" selection to go active and start up a second connection.

#542 problems with refreshing anonymous

I was uploading a file about 700 M and i got disconnected and since i resumed the upload the whole window has problems with refreshing. The progress bar is shaking, the numbers next to it don't refresh until i close the window and open it again and some perts of the window never even get filled (different part every time i open it) so i can see the background or parts of other windows inside the filezilla window. ana_kosic@…

#543 Telnet escapements and non-English letters anonymous

FTP consists of 2 connections: persistent control connection and temporary data connection.

Control connection by RFC is to be done with Telnet rules. One of them is special meaning of high ASCII characters, for example 255, 254...

Those characters may be used in, for example, windows-1251 codepage as regular letters.

Alas very little share of clients remember of that. Say Windows Commander, Internet Explorer, FileZilla too.

Some dumb servers, for example WarFTP 1.xx just ignores Telnet rules, so there is no problems.

But if server accepts Telnet RFC - then client corrupts filenames on uploading, and if the file/folder on server contains those letters in filename, they are unreachable.

That is the problem

Below are 2 wishes:

First one is that there may be a number of encodings for certain languages. Say Russian has 3 major encodings, Chinese seems to have 2 of them, etc. Usually servers try to re-code filenames, if they are configured to. I wish FileZilla could recode them too on its size.

Second wish is using UTF-8. AFAIK FTP 3.0 protocol will use UTF8 for control connection. I think to communicte with latest servers, FileZilla would be good to has recoding option(as told above) including UTF8 feature on the list.

Thank You.

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