Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (466 - 468 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#472 Comments don't stick in Site Manager ruisa

It's nice to have the possibility to add comments to each ftp site, however they don't seem to stick, neither when just clicking in another site nor when exiting with the Save and Exit option.

#473 SiteManager doesn't work with registry ? puddle

Pulled lastest FileZilla source version (2.2.1).

Tried to compile with MSVC6, failed (because FileZilla uses headers not included with MSVC6), tried to compile with MSVC.Net, succeeded.

Ran FileZilla.exe. It asked me whether to use the registry, and said that registry is recommended for multiuser environments, so I said yes.

I connected, transferred files, things look nice.

I went to Site Manager and configured a site, went to Advanced to set the initial directory, Saved the Settings, closed FileZilla.

Now every time I run FileZilla I get a corrupt xml error:

Error, can't parse 'FileZilla.xml', the file may be corrupt. For this session, the registry will be used to store the settings.

and it doesn't remember the site I configured. I tried the same thing again (except not recompiling the source), and the same error happens.

Is SiteManager incompatible with registry settings ?

#474 Version history in help ends at 2.1.6 puddle

Using just compiled 2.2.1.

Invoking Help, and choosing version history, it appears that the most recent version is 2.1.6.

(I speculate that some file just needs to be updated with a new copy of change notes.)

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