Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (460 - 462 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8043 fixed Total usage Marc from Houston Marc from Houston

Can we get a tool to count the total usage at an FTP site? I use comcast, and they limit me to 2 GB. However, they have no way to tell my my usage. So when I try to put something on their site, they truncate it to keep me below the 2GB limit. Since I maintain several folders, I cannot tell, using FileZilla, just how much storage I have used.

#8048 fixed Support SOCKS 4 Raphael_FR

In the version 2.x of FileZilla, we have the functionnality of "SOCKS 4" in the Proxy.

Some Proxy like Microsoft TMG use only SOCKS 4 and not SOCKS 5, so we can't use FileZilla with this software and it is a missing.

Could you re-add this functionnality ?

#8050 fixed Unable to Login to FileZilla Andrew


I can use other FTP clients, but for some reason FileZilla no longer works on my PC for my domain For one of my other domains there is no problem either. Why is FileZilla only blocking one of my domains? I get the error below.

Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

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