Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (460 - 462 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#462 Queue window does not update during large downloads anonymous

I'm downloading a large binary file and the Queue window shows all relevant data, including the progress bar and speed. After very short time, the progressbar and actual size/speed stops completly. The elapsed and expected time also stops. However, I can see from my DSL modem, that downloads is still going on!! Also when I look with the Explorer into the directory, the File is growing!!! I can repeat this effect any time, including closing and starting FileZilla again..

Thank you very much for this great program!!!!

best wishes from Germany, Peter

#463 Filezilla Server & shortcuts to Network Drives casaschi

Just installed the Filezilla Server 0.8.7 beta.

Tried to configure a user accessing a directory tree, including an home directory, a local drive (C:) and a network drive (mapped U:).

To that effect I enabled the "follow links" options and I created windows shortcuts in the home directory pointing to those drives.

The link to the local drive (C:) works, while the link to the network drive (U:) does not work, nothing appears respect to that when logging in with an FTP client (Filezilla 2.20)



#464 Quick connect bar appears when setting Interface setting anonymous

Follow this,

  1. Make sure you don't see quick connect bar. (turn off


  1. click Edit->Settings
  1. click Interface settings
  1. Then make sure you didn't checked Quickconnect Bar

(it should be unchecked)

  1. Then Press OK
  1. Tada! You have Quickconnect bar now.

After that situation, When you enter Settings menu and just click ok, Quickconnect Bar visibility is toggled each time.

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