Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (454 - 456 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7977 fixed Sort: menu is not updated when sorting the connection list by IP Kenith Rogers

Observed using the Admin Interface connected to FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta.

Steps: -Launch admin interface and connect to server -In the list of connections, click ID to sort by ID -Click the Sort drop-down menu from the tool bar -Observe "Sort by Userid" is selected -In the list of connections, click IP to sort by IP -Click the Sort drop-down menu from the tool bar -Observe that nothing is selected

#7983 fixed Error: GnuTLS error -9: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. Don

The "summary" error occurs on line 553 in the Log File after "Response: 226-File successfully transferred" on line 546. It appears the error causes FileZilla to attempt to download the file again which results in the "File already exists" dialog. I assume it is the same thing that is occuring on two other files when backing up a WordPress installation from a GoDaddy Virtual Dedicated Server. If I select the default option to overwrite, it will loop on transferring the same file over and over for 20 minutes or more. Other than these 3 files, the transfers complete successfully. I have also noticed that the file on my Windows 7 Professional system has the current date instead of the source file date when this happens.

#8005 fixed ubuntu 11.10 64bit - crash on icon-drop in treeview speedmachine

platform: ubuntu 11.10 64 bit (all current updates) / Gnome3 / current FileZilla

computer: AMD Phenom II X4 955, 12 GB RAM, lots of HDD space

After connecting to the server: I take a directory icon in the treeview of 'local site', drag it down a just bit, so that no other directory entry gets highlighted. Then i drop the icon into nowhere and FileZilla crashes instantly, reproduceable.

Batch Modify
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