Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (451 - 453 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12232 worksforme Added new directory does not show in structure after refresh. FlaJunkie

My php program can create directories via code. When I generate a new directory and do a refresh, the new directory does not show up in the listing.

But if I open another instance of Filezilla, there it is.

#2064 Adding IDN support anonymous

I am the technical director here at Verisign responsible for the development of a plug-in to IE, Outlook and Outlook Express to provide support for IDNs ("International Domain Names") As part of our development effort we have packaged an open source C library that can be integrated into application such as FileZilla. This completely free library provides all the necessary encoding/decoding required when taking a domain name in non-ASCII characters and converting it so that DNS can understand it.

Companies such as SmartFTP ( and CoreFTP ( have taken this library and have integrated it into their products with others currently under development.

With Netscape, Mozilla, Firebird and Camino now also support IDNs natively based on the suggestion of a collegue I am posting this request. IDNs are now being offered by most of the major gTLDs as well as ccTLDs.

IDNs being supported in dotCom and dotNet they are now also supported by the following ccTLDs: dotNo, dotSe, dotDk, dotDe, dotCh, dotCn, dotHk, dotJp, dotKr, dotTw, dotVn, dotCc and dotTv. Shortly dotLt, dotInfo and dotAt will also be making IDNs available in their respective markets.

Attached to this message is our SDK which can be reviewed for suitability of purpose. Unfortunately the attached ZIP file includes both our Java as well as C implementations so you'll need to sort through to pick out the pieces of the C lib.

Finally, we have set up an external FTP Server to faciliate testing and I would be pleased to provide suitable information should it be of value.

Thank you for your consideration.

#2110 Adding a file filter bis22111978

A file filter addition to the filezilla would be appreciated. right now if there are too many files in the directory there is no way to filter out the file except trying to find out visually.

e.g if I just want to see the file type with the sql extension there is no place to specify this as of now.

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