Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5403 outdated DDE Execute request failed: A request for a synchronous execute transaction has timed out. Faraz Choudhry Kim Quigley

When I right-click on a remote file and choose View/Edit, I get an error message that says "DDE Execute request failed: A request for a synchronous execute transaction has timed out." The file I am trying to edit is web.config which I have associated to open with Notepad++. When I click View/Edit in Filezilla, it opens Visual Studio 2005, displays the error message in Filezilla, and does NOT open the file.

#6191 wontfix Using WinRAR? Forget FlieZilla, try FireFTP instead (Firefox only). Faraz Choudhry Faraz Choudhry

When trying to Open or View/Edit WinRAR archives from my local h/d and from my remote homespace. I have never had such problems with previous versions of FileZilla, only the latest version. I first get:

Cannot open folder C:\l

...flashing twice and it opens Windows XP's zipper in a seperate window. Then I either get:

DDE execute request failed: a transaction has failed

...or something like: DDE execute request failed: a synchronous execute transaction has timed out

I end up having to drag my remote archives to a seperate Windows Explorer window to use them. Defragging and error-fixing my h/d has not helped. Can this please be fixed before I lose confidence in this program? I'm setting the priority to high, accordingly.

Thank you.

#8629 fixed Fileshosts - Free Download Files Free wajid

Fileshosts Files hosts - Free Download Files Softwares and Games,Drivers, and many more free stuff for Windows,MAC,LINUX.Full Free Downloads System applications and Software Applications

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