Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (445 - 447 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7885 fixed Files with modified date of 29th February cannot be transferred by read-only users via SFTP or FTP Graham Smith

I am running a Sun Solaris UNIX system with a future date. When the system created files dated 29th February 2012 and I tried to transfer them back to a windows machine, FileZilla is incorrectly appending the date to the start of the file name, thus making it impossible to transfer the files. Its some sort of leap year bug in the software.

On Solaris box:

$ ls | grep Bulk Bulk_STIP_PQ_jeconjrnl1.dat $ pwd /var/tmp

$ ls -ltr | grep Bulk -rw-r--r-- 1 jrnlextr intrfcs 2130198528 Feb 29 13:27 Bulk_STIP_PQ_jeconjrnl1.dat

Filezilla attempted transfer:

Status: Starting download of /var/tmp/Feb 29 13:27 Bulk_STIP_PQ_jeconjrnl1.dat Command: get "Feb 29 13:27 Bulk_STIP_PQ_jeconjrnl1.dat" "C:\FTL Retirement\Bulk STIP\Feb 29 13_27 Bulk_STIP_PQ_jeconjrnl1.dat" Error: /var/tmp/Feb 29 13:27 Bulk_STIP_PQ_jeconjrnl1.dat: open for read: no such file or directory Error: File transfer failed

#7912 fixed Filezilla does not recognize 'pageant' since version > 3.5.0 ahahn

sftp authentication worked well until including version 3.5.0. Later versions ignore pageant, they just recognize plain key files.

I tested it with the latest version 3.5.3 on a 64-bit Win7 system and Pageant Release 0.60.

Error message on connect: Fehler: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey,keyboard-interactive) Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen

After downgrading to version 3.5.0, with exacltly the same setup, pagaent ist recognized again.

regards Alois

#7914 fixed Encryption Pass in sitmanager DownPlex

Hello, Today i have 1 question Why you do not encryption passwords save in sitemanager

See this screenshort:

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