Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (445 - 447 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11315 worksforme Cannot delete on server side? JackCane

I'm a new FileZilla user using Mac OSX 10.12.5. FileZilla successfully logged onto my hosting server. Now trying to delete some server-side files. Not finding the functionality/workflow to do that. Web hosting provider could not help me either. Would you please point me to the procedure for this.

Alternative, brute-force procedure is cumbersome and potentially dangerous: GET the whole site, selectively delete files/folders locally, PUT the entire site to a new server folder, then ask host to delete the old one on their end.

Thanks in advance.

#4800 duplicate Slashes in file names cause incorrect copy to host Jadame

If you use Filezilla to transfer a file with a / in it from a device that supports them in file names, Filezilla will cut the file name apart and create a directory with the first part and name the file the second part.

This was noticed transferring files from an iPod Touch through SSH onto a Windows Vista machine with Filezilla

Seems to be caused since other filesystems than NTFS and FAT allow "/" as a regular character, as they use "\" for directory structure instead. When transferring, the host OS interpretes the character "\" as indicating a directory.

For example:

Transferring /remote/myfile\'name.txt to C:\localdir\ will create a directory c:\localdir\myfile\, transfer the file there instead, with the name "'name.txt"

#8178 duplicate .htaccess & proftpd server Jake

Newest (win32 3.5.3) filezilla refuses to show hidden files on a proftpd server. If I use the WinXP shipped ftp, 'DIR -a' command shows hidden files as expected and I see the options text saying parameters -l and -a were used. With filezilla w/o hidden files setting the 'Options: -l' appears both times.

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