Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (442 - 444 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3453 Never loads when opening directory with many folders Alexander Schuch eliteskills

I have a directory with 22,000 folders inside. It doesn't matter how long I wait, filezilla gets stuck on "Here comes the directory listing". If I close it and go back to the dir again it loads rather quickly. It always stalls the first time.

Even if I try to drag the file into the directory I want without opening it filezilla insists on trying to get the directory listing (probably to check if file already exists?).

#3471 Won't open large directories anymore Alexander Schuch decoydoyle

I've been using Filezilla for awhile. On earlier versions, I was able to open folders on my website no matter the size. However, I updated to version, and now I can't open large folders. It'll just try forever and then finally timeout and disconnect. I just updated to today, but it still does the same thing. This has happened before when I updated from version 2 a while back. I'm pretty suspicious and cautious about updating filezilla, and I should have been more this time. I haven't been able to update my website since I updated this time again. Please help.

#3481 Wrong default download location on vista when updating Alexander Schuch thestoryteller

On Windows Vista, when an update is detected, it opens the "Save As" dialog with the user's "Documents" folder as the preselected default download location. It should use the user's "Downloads" folder.

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