Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (442 - 444 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9713 duplicate re-arrange window derroteblitz


my Filezilla window moved out of my screen upwards today and I wasn't able to rearrange it. Even when I uninstalled and reinstalled Filzilla I couldn't place the window so that I could see the Icons in the top part..

It worked finally when I installed an older version and then there came a informtion window telling me that there is a newer verison available, which for some reasen also rearranged the main filezilla window into place. (took me about 3h to get there)

Most of the other programs have the menu called "window" next to "help" where there is a function called "zoom", which rearranges the window to fullscreen. This would be great

I'm using a mac book with a second sreen. (OS: Mavericks)

#1650 raw commands anonymous

Some FTP programs let you send raw FTP commands. This often comes in very handy.

#10268 fixed r6137 breaks Windows build due to inclusion of process.h Ken Hornstein

I'm using the version of MinGW specified in the build notes for Windows. As part of r6137, a process.h was included in FileZilla 3; this conflicts with the process.h that is shipped with MinGW, causing the build to fail (it fails with a bunch of undefined symbols; the root cause here is pthread.h is including process.h, picking up the FileZilla one instead of the MinGW one and causing the errors).

I renamed the FileZilla process.h to fzprocess.h and changed the include files everywhere, and that seemed to solve the problem.

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