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Results (427 - 429 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#432 Download not working anonymous

When I have a local site path to my Web site like:


Then when I connect to my Internet FTP site and do a download of a file then Filezilla informs me of it about to overwrite the local file. So far, so good.

But the information of the local file is incorrectly shown. The local file file length is really only 73 bytes and it tells me that the local file is 80 bytes! The file on the FTP is also 80bytes.

When I click on the OK icon to get it to download it, it says it has downloaded it but it doesn't appear in the local folder.

I've tried this with several files and I even try first deleting the local file first and Filezilla keeps saying that its about to delete the local file but its no longer there!

The view within Filezilla of my local files doesn't seem to reflect what Windows explorer says they are. I've tried clicking on the refresh icon in Filezilla, makes no diff.

If I click within the local files view on one of the local files shown (but its really deleted) to read its properties, then it of course can't find the file!

If I try to download a file that is no longer present in the local folder then Filezilla pops up a 'File already exists' window. But it doesn't!

#433 [server]: mget anonymous

I use the ftp client of solaris, and when I make a "mget *", it do not work. I must do "mget ." Why ???? korsani at (yeah, at) caramail dot (yeah, dot) com

#435 Uploading via Network not possible leo_forge

I have eg. on X: a Network drive mapped. I connect to my ftp site, change dir. Then try to upload a file from the Network-dir to the ftp-dir.

I see there is on the ftp-site the file somehow created, but only with 0 bytes len. And additionally I receive error that the 'local file 'X:....' could not be opened. Upload failed'.

When uploading it via DOS command-line, this works. Uploading from the local drive works also fine.

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