Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (418 - 420 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3234 French Translation Errors Alexander Schuch mozinet

In Filezilla 3.0, There're mistakes in French translation. Two errors in Éditer > Configuration > Transferts > Délai d'attente : "Si il est impossible d'envoyer ou de recevoir des données pendant cette période, la connection sera fermée et FileZilla essaiera de se reconnecter." which should be : "S'il est impossible d'envoyer ou de recevoir des données pendant cette période, la connexion sera fermée et FileZilla essaiera de se reconnecter."

#3240 Doesn't read my FileZilla.xml Alexander Schuch dirus

FileZilla 3.0 doesn't read my FileZilla.xml from 2.X.

#3242 Colons in file names not replaced Alexander Schuch godzillawax

With version 3.0.0:

Downloading files with colons in their names from environments that allow such things to an environment like windows that does not results in unexpected behavior.

Reproduce: Have four files named '4:30.jpg' through '4:33.jpg', and try transferring them to a Windows machine. The result will be a single empty file with name '4'.

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