Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (418 - 420 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#669 remote directory listing disabled anonymous

When logging onto a IBM MVS system FileZilla can not retrieve a directory listing. That is fine because I would rathter enter the specific directory to go to at that point. Unfortunately when this happens, the Remote Directory listing area is disabled and I cannot type the directory I want.

Please enable the remote directory listing area for manual entry.

#37 remote Files don't show on NT4 server Tim Kosse didiermisson

I try FileZilla 1.6. Seem very interesting.

It work well when I test it with "" I can see the directories and files on their site.

But when I try on our NT 4 server, the connection is OK, but I don't see the list of files and directories! I only see the ".." entry. No other elements !

If I try simply in a DOS box, with the FTP client of NT4, it work. I can see the list of files with the "ls" command.

I think the Telnet/FTP server on the NT4 server is Fictional Daemon v4.1 (

How can I solde this problem ? I will also go on the Fictional Daemon web site to see if this problem is know...

Thanks a lot Didier

#291 remote directory change without command anonymous

Moving a file from




works fine but when i change to remote/dir/ and home/dir/ and start uploading that already exist and i choos "overwrite" as action the remote dir changes back to remote/dir/subdir/ instead of staying in /remote/dir/

Hope that helps good work though thanks for this free piece of technology

askless@… <-- yes it is valid

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