Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3047 Extension isn't applied when downloading updates zelet

When downloading updates from within Filezilla 3 Beta 2 Mac - a .* extension is added to the file instead of the .bz extension.

#10241 invalid Download has a virus zeland

I get a virus alert from Norton when I try to download either the client or the server file.

#9667 fixed Multiple simultaneous downloads on OS X locks up UI and slows downloads significantly Tim Kosse zeeropointzeero

When transferring a large batch of files on 3.9.0 (hundreds of files averaging between 2KB and 300KB), 10 simultaneous transfers at once, the UI locks up (although the app is still downloading and the command echo window is still scrolling through commands). The downloading slows to approximately 5-10% of available network speed (and I can see the echo window slows commands to this rate as well). Once all files have been downloaded, the UI becomes accessible again.

Note, I had no problems performing the same actions above on 3.8.1. On that older version, downloads were at full speed and the UI never locked up.

I confirmed that this is a new issue introduced since v3.8.1. I recreated the issue on 3.9.0, then I downgraded from 3.9.0 back to 3.8.1 and the issue went away (speeds went back to normal and UI was accessible during this download process). So that rules out an issue with my computer, OS, network or server.

I have not tested if this affects multiple simultaneous uploads as well.

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