Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7355 fixed Background color option for multiple tabs Tim Kosse Ridge

Hopefully this is a simple request.

It would be very helpful to have different background colors (or some other visual cue) to help keep track of which session you're in when there are multiple sessions open.

Thanks for a terrific product!

#7360 fixed creates zero length files at the destination site kevin

win7 box with filezilla version 3.5.0

The tool will transfer all the files with out any error or warnings but the destinations files are all zero length. it creates directories OK

i can transfer the files using the command window via command line ftp and the files to arrive and maintain the original file size.

the hosting service has no trouble using filezilla from a different box transfering data to the same account.

snip from log in filezilla window, i told it to overwrite if file existed.: Status: File transfer successful, transferred 52,359 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2622.jpg Command: PASV Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226 File successfully transferred Status: File transfer successful, transferred 50,038 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2623.jpg Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,198,127,42,118,179) Command: STOR DSC_2622.jpg Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,198,127,42,119,182) Command: STOR DSC_2623.jpg Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226 File successfully transferred Status: File transfer successful, transferred 50,121 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2624.jpg Command: PASV Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226 File successfully transferred Status: File transfer successful, transferred 48,051 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2625.jpg Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,198,127,42,120,153) Command: STOR DSC_2624.jpg

The configuration wizard results look like this: Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS 3.5.0 Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address Retrieving external IP address from Checking for correct external IP address IP bhd-bhe-jb-f Response: 200 OK PREP 61598 Response: 200 Using port 61598, data token 1799810361 PORT 173,174,91,5,240,158 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Response: 503 Failure of data connection. Server sent unexpected reply. Connection closed

#7370 fixed Can't install filezilla with traditional chinese icons and panel in windows 7 wongcm

I downloaded the FileZilla_3.5.0_win32-setup.exe and execute it both in windows XP and windows 7

I found the it can show the Chinese panel in windows XP but it just show English panel in windows 7. How can I choose the appropiate language for Filezilla?

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